Banking Treasury Digitalization Solutions (2024)

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Banking Treasury Digitalization Solutions (2)


Digital Payments

    APIs and microservices for agile card-based business cases.

    Omnichannel Payment Acceptance

    One platform governing multiple acceptance devices and alternative payments.

    Branch Transformation

    Self-service solutions for an increasingly phygital bank branch.

    Real-Time Payments

    Last mile connectivity and SaaS to win the instant payments challenges.

    Collaborative and omnichannel platforms connecting Businesses, Banks, Public Admin and citizens.

    Fraud Management

    Intelligent solutions to prevent fraud in payments.

Real-time Liquidity

    Digital Treasury

    Integrated view of cash, collateral and securities unlocking digital transformation in banking treasury.

Financial Networks

    Gateways to Payment schemes and communities

    Mastering multiple payment rails and the transition to the ISO20022 standard.


    Open Banking and Embedded Finance

    Composable technology enabling next-gen financial experiences.

Banking Treasury Digitalization Solutions (3)



    Retail, Commercial and Investment Banks

    Enabling Banks to compete in an increasingly open market according to the BaaS paradigm.


    PSPs and Financial Technology Providers

    A rich and agile offer to facilitate coopetition between Banks and Fintechs.


    Non-banking Businesses

    State-of-the-art solutions to unlock the full PSD2 potential.

Banking Treasury Digitalization Solutions (4)



    About us

    Experts in enabling payments evolution.


    We care about people and work for a more sustainable economy.

    Policy, Certifications and Whistleblowing

    Efficiency and security inspire our policies and practice.


    Our collaborative approach to add value for joint customers.

Now more than ever banks need accurate, timely, and proactive liquidity management and payments solutions. Siloed legacy treasury systems often result in incorrect or conflicting data and their lack of integration makes compliance with new regulations extremely burdensome. Treasuries need to adopt comprehensive, end-to-end solutions that support more effective real-time liquidity management on a single platform, thus enabling decision-making and actions that not only mitigate risk but optimise liquidity positions.

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An integrated view for Cash, Collateral and Liquid Assets

Our Liquidity Management Systemis best-in-class in providing afully integrated view for cash, collateral and liquid assetsin Central Bank Money and Commercial Bank Money, enabling effective digital transformation of Banking Treasuries

Operational management of cash and liquid assets over channels: large value payment systems, clearing and settlement systems, correspondent and depository banks

Working with multi-currency accounts and transactions, guaranteeing real-time overview a targeted, single currency

Real-time and forecast view of liquidity usage to efficiently allocate liquidity targeted business models or compliance requests

Gain 360° real-time visibility on liquidity across payments and liquid assets (collateral, securities)

Banking Treasury Digitalization Solutions (5)
  • ISO 20022 native and Cloud ready for SaaS delivery

  • Improved data governance through a single system providing business intelligence, operational support and liquidity risk monitoring and reporting

  • Improved data quality and automated tasks such as payments throttling, automated sweeping, integrated reconciliation

  • Supporting Basel3 BCBS 248 compliance


Improve collateral mobilisation and credit provision in Euro Central Bank Money through TAS solution to:

  • Monitor and forecast collateral accounts and positions
  • Manage Collateral Instructions, Marginal Lending, Credit Freezing and Maximum Credit Line
  • Provide visibility on potential Collateral available (intraday and next days) and margin call
  • Monitor Open Market operations and Corporate Actions cash impacts

Learn more by contacting TAS experts

Best-in-class solution for

Liquidity Management

Monitor and manage positions and transactions on NOSTRO and RTGS accounts

TARGET Services

Take your liquidity management to the next level for ECB accounts

BCBS 248 & Intraday Liquidity Stress Testing

Monitor real-time intraday liquidity across payments and collateral

Securities Settlement

Manage and monitor securities settlement in realtime through a single dashboard

Central Securities Depositories Regulation

Improve securities settlement efficiency


Liquidity Management

A single solution to manage cash and liquid assets in real-time across Central Bank Money and Commercial Bank Money, compliant with the new Target services, CBPR+ and BCBS 248 directive for intraday liquidity reporting and stress testing.
A centralised monitor is provided for all bank cash and securities accounts (Central Banks, Correspondent Banks, CSDs, Custodians) and provides features to actively manage bank liquidity when required:

  • Customer/Business/Categories visibility and management
  • Real-time monitoring and alerting systems
  • Payments Throttling
  • Automatic accounts replenishment

Independence from Settlement and Clearing systems (operational models, data formats and protocols), ISO20022 and ISO15022 capabilities and a high level of modularity allows our platform to easily adapt to the diverse business and operative models of different FIs.

TARGET Services

This component provides real-time liquidity management for all ECB settlement systems (TARGET2, T2S, TIPS) and related Ancillary systems.
A specific plug-in module monitors current and forecast liquidity positions and manages participation in EBA Clearing systems (CGS, EURO1, RT1).
ECB target services functionalities are supported by dedicated features, such as:

  • Consolidated Reserve Management on all End-of-Day ECB cash account balances
  • Co-management
  • Informative channel to inquire actual balances and payments status
  • Internal payment classification
  • Interfaces to bank systems (accounting, payment hub, risk management)
  • Native ISO20022 capability

BCBS 248 & Intraday Liquidity Stress Testing

The BCBS 248 module creates a natural bridge between Risk and Treasury intraday liquidity requirements.
Real-time monitoring of BCBS 248 key metrics, applied to individual (and aggregated) LVPS and NOSTRO correspondent bank accounts, enables intraday control of liquidity aligning its management to related needs before reporting.

In addition to calculation of key metrics the module also enables:

  • Automated production of regulatory (and custom) reports according to supervisor standards
  • Selection of different timing calculations (daily and monthly) according to flexible aggregation data
  • Production of customer regulatory reports
  • Execution of stress testing scenarios on incoming/outgoing cash flows; simulation outcomes provide the following:

– Compares pre and post stress event metrics

– Defines liquidity buffers per individual liquidity asset (collateral and intra-day liquidity needs)

– Provides a payment deferral overview, both time-critical and counterpart exposures

– Identifies critical counterparts and customers and relative exposure

– Saves and exports all tests runs

Securities Settlement

This module manages Post-Trade operations interacting with domestic and international Settlement Systems and Global Custodians. ISO15022 and ISO20022 compliant, it supports all T2S features for both direct and indirect participants.
It provides real-time monitoring of the settlement lifecycle as well as account balances , providing value-added features such as matching, balance reconciliation, SSI management, deal captures from Front Office systems with the capability to aggregate and shape deals to create appropriate settlement instructions.
Integrating the Securities Settlement module with the rest of the product suite significantly improves all treasury monitoring capabilities, providing:

  • Full details on cash side of settlement activity
  • Counterbalancing Capacity
  • Customer intraday exposure

Central Securities Depositories Regulation

Available to run alongside other suite modules or in stand-alone mode, this component enables direct and indirect settlement participants to monitor settlement instructions subject to the penalty mechanism.
Compliant with the ISO15022 and ISO20022 standards, it checks the consistency of reports received from CSDs and/or Depositaries and prepares monthly due payments in advance.
The module can be used not only for ex-post monitoring, but also for a preventive analysis of participant settlement activity, to improve efficiency of the settlement process and mitigate the risk of incurring penalties and their consequent economic and reputational costs.
Key features:

  • Monitors Pre-settlement and Settlement phases
  • Alert for potential cases impacting the penalty process (allegement, unmatched or partial delivery instructions)
  • Monitor Buy-In activity
Banking Treasury Digitalization Solutions (6)

Compliance and certifications

Vedi tutte le certificazioni

Success Stories

Some of our clients



Banco Sabadell





digital treasury

open banking

payment networks

TAS @ EBAday 2023

Banking Treasury Digitalization Solutions (7)

20 – 21 June 2023 | THE IFEMA, MADRID

Advancing next generation payments – a quest for global interoperability

EBAday is coming back to Madrid this year, and we are excited to be among the sponsors of the event once again.

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card & digital payments

digital treasury


Fintech Finance interviews Mario Mendia

Banking Treasury Digitalization Solutions (8)

At Sibos 2022, we sat down with Mario Mendia, the Senior Vice President of International Markets atTAS Group, to discuss the emergence of payments-as-a-service and its potential in making banking more accessible to all possible demographics.

Looking at the trends at this year’s Sibos, Mendia is most excited about the digital developments in cross-border payments and CBDC, and the growing presence of cloud technology in major financial institutions.

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card & digital payments

digital treasury

open banking

payment networks


TAS @ Sibos 2022

Banking Treasury Digitalization Solutions (9)

10 – 13 October | RAI, Amsterdam

Sibos is back in-person and TAS is again among the official exhibitors. We can’t wait to meet you in Amsterdam where SWIFT will host a full conference programme and exhibition, along with a wide range of networking events. The agenda will feature business leaders and topic experts from across the financial community and beyond, discussing the most impactful trends in technology, regulation, risks and sustainability. If you can’t make it in person, join Sibos virtually by connecting to thedigital conference experiencethat will extend Sibos to delegates around the world.

Stop by ourbooth D76to share insights on the latest trends ondigital payments, liquidity management, payment schemes connectivity, open bankingand much more.

Discover more about TAS @ Sibos

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digital treasury

ECMS Updates

Banking Treasury Digitalization Solutions (10)

Interest is growing in the Aquarius User Group initiative, whose last meeting was held on April 20 in Milan, with over 70 participants including representatives of the major financial institutions and service centers committed to meeting the Eurosystem deadlines.

The working group, coordinated by TAS in collaboration with Accenture and KPMG, took stock of the progress of the ECMS project, illustrating the new documentation being released by the ECB and all remaining regulatory milestones impacting on the banking community. A live demo of TAS Aquarius ECMS component was presented, focusing on the monitoring and management fuctionalities designed around the Eurosystem’s new unified Collateral Management system. On top of collecting feedback from the first 10 clients that have adopted the new Aquarius module, the meeting was a valuable opportunity to present and discuss additional value-added features that will be provided by Aquarius in order to offer, beyond the full compliance with the new ECMS requirements, also several scalable functions managing further forms of collateral.

An update on the T2-T2S Consolidation project was also part of the meeting agenda, with a deep-dive into the topic of testing, now in its most intense phase, as well as a summary of the upcoming activities defined by the ECB before the Go Live scheduled for 21 November.

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digital treasury

Liquidity Is Your Financial Institution’s Most Valued Asset

Banking Treasury Digitalization Solutions (11)

David Chance and Mario Mendia speak to Finextra TV about the need for accurate, timely, and proactive liquidity management and payments solutions…


digital treasury

Fiserv selects Aquarius to unlock real-time 360° visibility into liquidity positions for Financial Institutions

Banking Treasury Digitalization Solutions (12)

Today Fiserv, a leading global provider of payments and financial services technology solutions, announced the availability of superior liquidity management capabilities through the introduction of TAS Aquarius offered in combination with its Enterprise Payments Platform.

The collaborative approach between Fiserv and TAS in the Banking Treasury space will allow financial institutions to accelerate their digital strategies through best of breed technology.

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digital treasury

Payments modernisation – challenges and opportunities for Bulgarian banks

Banking Treasury Digitalization Solutions (13)

The webinar, organized by our Partner Fiserv, is now avaiable on demand …


digital treasury

The European collateral management system migration is approaching and its impacts may be wider than expected

Banking Treasury Digitalization Solutions (14)


The Eurosystem Market infrastructure has recently gone through unprecedented changes: with T2S, TIPS, ESMIG and the Target2 Consolidation we are seeing quite a revolution, maybe for this reason the last step of the programme, ECMS, seems far from the industry spotlights.
The Migration to the European Collateral Management System will mandatory happen in November 2023, with consequences and impacts that may be wider than expected.

Based on ISO20022 standards, with ECMS the central banking collateral mobility takes a step forward, integrates with T2S and Triparty services, providing the opportunity of smoother funding across Europe but requiring higher cybersecurity standards from all participants, new billing standards (CMH-TF) to CSDs and Custodians and better visibility of available liquid assets across the bank’s different businesses.

Many banks have already completed their ECMS assessment: can they afford this evolution keeping manual activities and fragmented processes or does their collateral management need a digital acceleration?


Mario Mendia, Senior Vice President – TAS

Roberto Bruschi, Executive Subject Matter Expert Capital Markets and Treasury – TAS

Watch the webinar

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digital treasury

TAS strengthens its Aquarius suite in the vertical dedicated to the Securities Settlement Management

Banking Treasury Digitalization Solutions (15)

The new release of the Aquarius Securities Settlement module evolves towards an agile and modular management of all the features referred to domestic and international Settlement .The strength of the solution is given by an advanced management of the Standard Settlement Instructions (SSI), which allows the highest rate of Straight Through Processing within the settlement chain. The combination guarantees an innovative, flexible and effective solution, both for Banks that operate directly with CSD / ICSD, and for Banks that use Depositaries or Global Custodians. The application works in perfect synergy and synchronous with Aquarius Cash and Collateral functions, improving the efficiency, response and operational extension of the overall Aquarius platform.With regard to regulatory compliance, a new module has been released to cover CSDR Penalty specifications (whose go-live is scheduled for February 2022). This module allows users to check the calculations received by the CSDs or the Depositaries and, at the same time, verify them with a simulation mechanism. The support provided to the Back Office is complete and allows the customer to better manage the new penalty mechanism, through the following main features:

  • immediate loading and management of received reports, whether in standard or proprietary format;
  • calculation simulations to verify the penalties applied;
  • data extraction to create statistics and highlight the riskiest situations;
  • User dashboard, to monitor the daily and monthly trend of the penalty amounts, with aggregated and detailed data reachable with a simple drilldown mechanism;
  • penalties total amounts forecasting ;
  • Risk Dashboard to highlight potential buy-in situations, with dedicated analysis depending on the financial instrument type.

The CSDR Penalty module also provides features for the transmission of the received information of the daily and monthly reports to the Back Office applications and to any Institutional Customers.Contact our experts to find out more.

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digital treasury

The Covid-19 Pandemic and the Liquidity Management Ecosystem

Banking Treasury Digitalization Solutions (16)

This short paper, recently issued by the EBA Liquidity Management Working Group (LMWG), highlights the major trends that the pandemic helped crystallise in the liquidity management ecosystem and outlines the questions that financial institutions will have to address as they continue to support their corporate clients.

TAS Group has been part of EBA’s Liquidity Management Working Group for several years already, in order to contribute with its domain expertise to the group’s mission to improve liquidity managers’ understanding and ability to face ongoing market developments as well as related technical, operational, regulatory and organisational challenges.

The migration of liquidity management practices into the digital area and to real-time processes can’t wait longer. The pandemic crisis has shown that, going forward, corporates need technologies and services that can be more readily adopted or more easily adapted to handle unforeseen situations.

Download the report factsheet

EBA members can download the full report on the EBA Member Portal

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Discover also our solutions for

Gateways to Payment schemes and communities
Real-Time Payments

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Get in touch to discover how we can help in achieving your business goals

Banking Treasury Digitalization Solutions (17)

Talk with Lia

Banking Treasury Digitalization Solutions (18)

Banking Treasury Digitalization Solutions (2024)
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Author: Kieth Sipes

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Name: Kieth Sipes

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Introduction: My name is Kieth Sipes, I am a zany, rich, courageous, powerful, faithful, jolly, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.