Elden Ring: All Legendary Armament Locations (2025)

Quick Links

  • The Ruins Greatsword

  • Eclipse Shotel

  • Grafted Blade Greatsword

  • Sword of Night and Flame

  • Marais Executioner's Sword

  • Dark Moon Greatsword

  • Devourer's Scepter

  • Golden Order Greatsword

  • Bolt of Gransax

The Legendary Armaments of Elden Ring are some of the game's most powerful weapons. There are nine in total spread throughout the Lands Between, some that can be earned as early as Castle Morne and others that require players to practically beat the game.


Elden Ring players looking to farm levels quickly, safely, and easily can check out this brief guide to acquire millions of runes.

Getting all nine Legendary Armaments in Elden Ring in a single playthrough gives players an achievement, and each is worth the cost of a Larval Tear to respec and try its unique playstyle. For players who have already moved on to New Game Plus, the achievement can still be earned by depositing and withdrawing previously collected Legendary Armaments in a Site of Grace chest.

Updated June 7, 2024 by Erik Petrovich: Legendary Armaments can be found in a few specific places across the Lands Between, and the some of the best weapons in the game also happen to be Legendary Weapons in Elden Ring. It's worth hunting these Legendary Weapons Elden Ring offers for more than just the achievement, and knowing what each weapon does (and how difficult it is to find) can make your choice of which Legendary Armament you should get first much easier. This guide to all Legendary Armaments Elden Ring players can get has been updated with new details for each weapon's Ash of War, location, and the in-game Lore description found on the item itself.

9 The Ruins Greatsword

Elden Ring: All Legendary Armament Locations (2)

Originally rubble from a ruin which fell from the sky, this surviving fragment was honed into a weapon.

The ruin it came from crumbled when struck by a meteorite, as such this weapon harbors its destructive power.

The Elden Ring: All Legendary Armament Locations (3)Ruins Greatsword comes with the unique Wave of Destruction Ash of War, which creates a wave of gravitational force in the nearby area. Players must have 50 Strength and 16 Intelligence to wield the Ruins Greatsword, which has S and D scaling respectively when fully upgraded.

How To Get The Ruins Greatsword

This Legendary Armament is acquired after defeating the duo boss of the Elden Ring: All Legendary Armament Locations (4)Crucible Knight & Misbegotten Warrior in Redmane Castle. You must go to Redmane Castle before triggering the Radahn Festival or the bosses will not spawn.

8 Eclipse Shotel

Elden Ring: All Legendary Armament Locations (5)

Storied sword and treasure of Castle Sol that depicts an eclipsed sun drained of color.

In Sol, the sight of an eclipse inspires dreadful awe, preventing an onlooker from averting his gaze

The Elden Ring: All Legendary Armament Locations (6)Eclipse Shotel has the Death Flare Ash of War, which inflicts Death Blight buildup and has a second follow-up slam attack. Players must have 10 Strength, 25 Dexterity, and 30 Faith to wield the Eclipse Shotel – when fully upgraded, it has D scaling in Strength and C scaling in both Dexterity and Intelligence.


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How To Get The Eclipse Shotel

This Legendary Armament can be found in Castle Sol inside a church. Head to the southeast area of the bottom floor of the castle and you will see a church with an altar - the Eclipse Shotel is on this altar.

7 Grafted Blade Greatsword

Elden Ring: All Legendary Armament Locations (8)

The storied sword of Castle Morne.

A revenger's weapon, it is burdened with oceans of anger and regret.

A lone surviving champion from a country now vanished was so determined to continue fighting that he claimed the swords of an entire clan of warriors.

The Elden Ring: All Legendary Armament Locations (9)Grafted Blade Greatsword comes with the unique skill Oath of Vengeance, which increases all stats by five for 30 seconds. Players must have at least 40 Strength and 14 Dexterity to wield the Grafted Blade Greatsword, which has B and D scaling respectively when fully upgraded.



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Elden Ring provides a way for players to respec, but it is limited and requires a great deal of effort.

How To Get The Grafted Blade Greatsword

This Legendary Armament is earned after beating the final boss of Limgrave's Elden Ring: All Legendary Armament Locations (11)Castle Morne , the Elden Ring: All Legendary Armament Locations (12)Leonine Misbegotten . Castle Morne and the Grafted Blade Greatsword is also tied to the Elden Ring: All Legendary Armament Locations (13)Edgar questline, so be sure to talk to Irina just south of the Bridge of Sacrifices before heading to this keep.

6 Sword of Night and Flame

Elden Ring: All Legendary Armament Locations (14)

Storied sword and treasure of Caria Manor.

Astrologers, who preceded the sorcerers, established themselves in mountaintops that nearly touched the sky, and considered the Fire Giants their neighbors.

The Elden Ring: All Legendary Armament Locations (15)Sword of Night and Flame comes with the Night and Flame Stance unique skill, which can be used either to cleave for Fire damage or shoot a Comet Azur sorcery. Players must have at least 12 Strength and Dexterity and 24 Intelligence and Faith to wield the Sword of Night and Flame. When fully upgraded, it has D scaling in Strength and Dexterity and B scaling in Intelligence and Faith.

How To Get The Sword of Night and Flame

This Legendary Armament can be found in Elden Ring: All Legendary Armament Locations (16)Caria Manor in a secret room. From the Manor Lower Level Lost Grace point, head to the walkways above via the eastern rooftops and head north at the first crossing. The path will end eventually, but there's a rooftop you can jump down to just before the end. Continue down these rooftops and eventually you will find a hole in a roof - drop down to find the Sword of NIght and Flame in a chest.

5 Marais Executioner's Sword

Storied sword of House Marais, the family of executioners who presided over the Shaded Castle.

Elemer of the Briar, the Bell Bearing Hunter, snatched the sword from the site of his looming execution, and furnished it with battle skills from his home of Eochaid.

The Elden Ring: All Legendary Armament Locations (18)Marais Executioner's Sword comes with the skill Eochaid's Dancing Blade, which launches the player forwards to rapidly spin the weapon after infusing it with energy. Players must have at least 24 Strength, 14 Dexterity, and 23 Arcane to wield the Marais Executioner's Sword, which has B scaling in Strength, E scaling in Dex, and D scaling in Int when fully upgraded.



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How To Get The Marais Executioner's Sword

This Legendary Armament is earned by defeating Elden Ring: All Legendary Armament Locations (20)Elemer of the Briar in the Elden Ring: All Legendary Armament Locations (21)The Shaded Castle , a legacy dungeon in Elden Ring: All Legendary Armament Locations (22)Mt. Gelmir just between the volcanic mountain and the Altus Plateau. On the mini-map, this looks like castle surrounded by green sludge. You can also find the Elden Ring: All Legendary Armament Locations (23)Valkyrie's Prosthesis here for Elden Ring: All Legendary Armament Locations (24)Millicent 's questline.

4 Dark Moon Greatsword

Elden Ring: All Legendary Armament Locations (25)

A Moon Greatsword, bestowed by a Carian queen upon her spouse to honor long-standing tradition.

Ranni's sigil is a full moon, cold and leaden, and this sword is but a beam of its light.

The Elden Ring: All Legendary Armament Locations (26)Dark Moon Greatsword is a classic weapon in FromSoftware games, and comes with the usual ability to launch powerful beams of magical energy.

The Dark Moon Greatsword comes with the Moonlight Greatsword Ash of War, which grants the blade Freeze buildup temporarily and blasts a wave of cold forward. Players must have at least 16 Strength, 11 Dexterity, and 38 Intelligence to wield the Dark Moon Greatsword, which has D scaling in Strength and Dexterity and B scaling in Intelligence when fully upgraded.

How To Get The Dark Moon Greatsword

The Dark Moon Greatsword is earned after completing Elden Ring: All Legendary Armament Locations (27)Ranni the Witch 's questline, which is one of Elden Ring's longest and most thorough questlines. It's worth taking the time to complete her questline not just for this Legendary Armament, but also for the multiple secret zones and huge variety of unique items and equipment that can be found.

3 Devourer's Scepter

Elden Ring: All Legendary Armament Locations (28)

​​​​​​Scepter in the shape of a serpent devouring the world.

This weapon will one day become the very symbol of the Lord of Blasphemy.

A vision of the future briefly seen by Rykard in his final moments before being devoured by the great serpent.

The Elden Ring: All Legendary Armament Locations (29)Devourer's Scepter comes with the Ash of War Devourer of Worlds, which can be used to sap HP from enemies after slamming it into the ground. It requires 24 Strength, 20 Dexterity, and 25 Faith to wield, and has C scaling in all three stats when fully upgraded.


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How To Get The Devourer's Scepter

This Legendary Armament is acquired after defeating Bernahl when he invades in Elden Ring: All Legendary Armament Locations (31)Crumbling Farum Azula . If you've defeated Elden Ring: All Legendary Armament Locations (32)Rykard, Lord of Blasphemy , talk to Elden Ring: All Legendary Armament Locations (33)Recusant Bernahl again in the Volcano Manor to trigger his invasion later on when you approach a Chest in late Crumbling Farum Azula. You can also kill Elden Ring: All Legendary Armament Locations (34)Knight Bernahl in Limgrave's Warmaster's Shack, but it's pretty hard to pull off that early.

2 Golden Order Greatsword

Elden Ring: All Legendary Armament Locations (35)

Greatsword made of light, modeled after the Elden Ring itself.

Forged by King Consort Radagon to proudly symbolize the tenets of the Golden Order.

Telltale signs betray that this was once the greatsword bequeathed to him by his first wife, Rennala.

The Elden Ring: All Legendary Armament Locations (36)Golden Order Greatsword comes with the Establish Order unique skill, where players raise the blade and release a close-range AoE explosion followed up by waves of golden light. It requires 16 Strength, 21 Dexterity, and 28 Faith to wield, and has E Strength scaling, D Dex scaling, and B Int scaling at max upgrade level.

How To Get The Golden Order Greatsword

Find the Golden Order Greatsword by defeating the Elden Ring: All Legendary Armament Locations (37)Misbegotten Crusader at the end of the Elden Ring: All Legendary Armament Locations (38)Cave of the Forlorn dungeon. This dungeon is located in the northeast section of the Consecrated Snowfield just beneath the Minor Erdtree on the map.

1 Bolt of Gransax

Elden Ring: All Legendary Armament Locations (39)

Spear whittled from the weapon wielded by Gransax.

A great ancient dragon, Gransax once rained calamity upon the Royal Capital, the only time in historical record that Leyndell's walls have fallen.

This marked the dawn of the war against dragons.

The Elden Ring: All Legendary Armament Locations (40)Bolt of Gransax comes with the Ancient Lightning Spear skill, which can be used to launch a chargeable spear of red lightning at a target. It requires 20 Strength and 40 Dexterity, and has D and C scaling respectively when fully upgraded.

How To Get The Bolt of Gransax

This Legendary Armament can be picked up in Elden Ring: All Legendary Armament Locations (41)Leyndell, Royal Capital (not the Ashen version). After defeating Elden Ring: All Legendary Armament Locations (42)Godfrey, First Elden Lord 's shade, take the elevator down and jump over the railing ahead to land on Gransax's giant spear lodged into the side of a building - the Bolt of Gransax is at the top of this gigantic spear. You can also get this by accessing the roof of the gazebo in a small courtyard on the opposite side of a bridge, but this method is much harder and prone to causing death by falling.

Elden Ring: All Legendary Armament Locations (43)
Elden Ring



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February 25, 2022
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Elden Ring: All Legendary Armament Locations (2025)
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